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Hate: ...
Chet: ..aate.....haaaate....
Hate: Hnnmmng... I'm up, I'm up. How long was I asleep?
Hate: THREE WEEKS? Gods, we're going to miss the emperor going through Maldere!
Hate: Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!
Chet: Weeell, you looked like you needed some sleep lately...
Hate: That's... neither here nor there.
Hate: According to the information we bought, the emperor of Maldere will be travelling with his armed security through Lover's Pass on his way to political conference.
Chet: *nod nod nod* Right, right, right. Emperor, conference, lovers. Got it.
Hate: The only problem is that the road there is heavily trafficked...
Chet: What's special about this big shot, anyway? Is he going to be like the last big shot we met?
Hate: … Yes, Chet, he's exactly like the previous "big shot" we met. Look, we don't want to travel on busy merchant roads.
We'll split off of the road and travel parallel to it.
Chet: And we won't get lost!
They got lost.
Hate: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! We're going to miss the emperor, he'll get into the Citadel, and then we'll have to infiltrate THAT, UURRRGHH!
Chet: Oh look, some people!
Athena: … and so I says to him, "that's no clown, that's my dead horse!"
Kit: ♩Heeheehee~!♫ Oh 'Thene, you have just the best stories.
Chet: Whoa... Do you smell food? That's the best thing I've ever smelled...
Hate: Wh-Chet! Stop, we don't know them--
Chet: That stew smells AMAZING!
Kit: Oh! Why, thank you~!♪
Hate: Excuse my brother, here... We're just passing through, aren't we, Chet?
Chet: Me and my sister haven't eaten for weeks! Can we have some?
Athena: Sheesh! Blunt mouth on this dummy, huh?
Chet: Whoa, she insulted me without using any fancy words or anything. You're cool, lady!
Athena: Well, now, I can hardly argue with that. Whaddya say, Kit? Do we have enough stew to help these weary folk?
Kit: ♪Of course~! There's plenty to go around!♫
And so, they ate.
Athena: Thaaaat's the ticket... Name's Athena, by the way. Traveling merchant with my partner here, Kit. I'm the brains & she's the brunch.
Kit: ♩♪There's desseeert!♫♪
Chet: I'm so full... but okay! *nom nom nom*
Chet: I'm Chet, this is my big sister, Hate.
Athena: You... don't say. What are you folks doing out in the boonies?
Chet: We're looking for the Empero-OW!
Hate: We're vagabonds. Don't belong anywhere.
Athena: A-HEM. Well, this path is our little shortcut between cities. It's rough around the edges, but as long as you know where you're going you can make pretty good time. Where are you going?
Athena: At this time of year, who doesn't want to go to Lover's Pass! Beautiful scenery, that. Might be worth setting up a stall there one of these days, aye Kit?
... Kit?
Kit: Hm? Wha-oh! Yes that would be lovely!♪
Athena: Let's see, from where we are here, the pass will be due west. There won't be a path, but... Well, here, hold out your hand, dummy.
Chet: Whoa!! What's this!
Athena: That's a compass. It'll always point to north, so you can figure where west is based on that.
Chet: Thanks, lady! I'll take real good care of it!
Athena: That'll be thirty quid.
Athena: Ahh, I'm just yankin' yer tail. Say, why don't you camp with us for the night?
Athena: Ohh but it's getting dark, surely you could spend the evening with-
Chet: It was really nice to meet you both! Athena, Kit. Thanks for everything!
Hate and Chet trudge through the forest.