Why should I build a website?
‣ Building a website is self-expression
The creativity and freedom of an unfiltered webspace grants a unique chance to authentically mirror your personality and values in a web format. A website could be a lasting testament to your individuality and purpose. Or, perhaps, an art piece or high-effort shitpost, which can be its own statement.
‣ Creating a website is a deliberate act of patience and dedication
Learning CSS/HTML requires a willingness to navigate the intricacies of web development, a journey that imparts valuable skills and insights. It's a tangible lesson that meaningful endeavors take time, effort, and a personal touch. It's an opportunity to inject your unique experience in an unadulterated setting. Essentially, you can become the architect of your own digital footprint.
‣ Ultimately, building your website from the ground up is a declaration of digital autonomy— a commitment to shape your online presence with intentionality and authenticity
It's a journey that goes beyond the surface, inviting visitors to explore the depths of your digital abode—
a space that is truly and unequivocally yours.
Where can I find more of your work?
I have an art gallery located here.
Most of my creative web-building WIPs can be found on my neocities, while my main site is obby.dog.
If you like what I do and want to stay in touch, visit my Patreon. (this is 18+ age restricted furry stuff)
Where can I find the CSS Windows theme?
The original Windows 98 theme made entirely of CSS by Jordan Scales 98.css v0.1.18 - Found here
* Copyright (c) 2020 Jordan Scales thatjdanisso.cool
* https://github.com/jdan/98.css/blob/main/LICENSE
Note: I made a *lot* of tweaks, improvements, javascript, and style to make this current site look and function the way it does! If you'd like something similar, I strongly suggest using the original as a base to build off of and learn from.